EVERLASTING LOVE is a handtied bouquet of dried flowers including pampas grass, pink bunny tails, ruscus and achillea. The perfect way to say I love You... forever.
Local Deliveries are made between the hours of 10am - 6pm we cannot give specific timing on deliveries. If you need your flowers at a specific time we advise collecting them.
Nationwide Deliveries - Are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Delivery is made before 4pm the next working day after ordering. We cannot send any glass vases, ceramics or pottery.
Composition & Care
A beautiful dried floral arrangement is a fuss-free way to add texture & nature to your home with no watering or care required. Select your favourite vase this arrangement or view our selection in store and online. Keeping your dried flowers out of direct sunlight will help keep the colours vibrant for longer. Spray with hairspray every so often to keep them fresh and fluffy.